Third party data request using the Fetch API

NASA's APOD: Website

Designed and developed a site that consumes the NASA APOD API to display the Astronomy Picture of the Day. The project uses the Fetch API to make a request to an endpoint.

Project's repository and live website.
UI Designer and Front-end Developer.
The codebase was built with Javascript and CSS. Postman was used to test the API Key. Deployment was done using GitHub Pages.
astronomy picture of the day mockup website


To practice my Javascript skills, I decided to build my own version of NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day. This project heavily focuses on the map() array method, writing DRY code and the ability to request data from a third-party API.

API Endpoints

For the Picture of the Day and a specific date, the endpoint must include a date string as yyyy-mm-dd. I.e: &date=2022-11-01. For the pictures of the month, I'm using a start date. I.e: &start_date=2022-11-01. If no end date is included, this query will retrieve pictures from the start date to the present day. I'm including &thumbs=true at the end of all endpoints, this is for when the APOD is a video, to display the thumbnail images of the video instead.

Postman Tests

After registering to obtain an API key, I performed some test calls on Postman, to make sure the query parameters were being used properly and check the data I was receiving back.

Postman Tests


The fetch() method gets invoked when there's a call to the APOD API, passing the query as a parameter. A then() method follows, which transforms the response from the API into a JSON format. A second then() method is called to pass the received data to a function that's in charge of displaying it in the DOM. A ctach() method is chained, to catch any errors from the API call, and display them in the browser's console. The finally() method closes this code block, which is removing a spinner from the DOM once all the data has loaded and it's ready to populate the page.


Content Template Element

In order to display the received data, I created a card component that will include the picture, its title, date and explanation, making use of the <template> HTML tag. This allowed me to have the card's skeleton already placed on the page's code, and use it to render the received data programmatically.

Content Template Element

Final Result

This project offers three different ways to call the APOD API. On page load, the Picture of the Day gets displayed. Users also have the option to display all the pictures of the current month, or they can also find a specific date. For future iterations, I would like to re-work the page's layout, especially when having more than one card, to better align the content, as each picture's explanation varies in length.

Final Result